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Category - Booking

Accommodation Details

Each home on the "Homes" page comes with a unique set of amenities. Some properties may include utilities and cleaning services. Users are advised to search according to the amenities they require. Specific requests like early check-in or extra bedding, and cleaning policies or fees are determined by individual homeowners.
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Availability and Booking Confirmation

To verify housing availability on your preferred dates, examine the calendar in the home's description. Days highlighted in green are accessible. Booking confirmations are sent via email and the web application. While there's no limit to advance reservations, booking two weeks before shifting is recommended for a smoother process.
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Booking Process

The post provides instructions for finding and booking student housing. Users can search by institution or location and send a booking request specifying stay duration and group size. For booking, you'll need valid student or national ID and a faculty recommendation letter confirming admission to an institution.
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Cancellation and Refunds

Cancellations before payment are allowed without penalty, handled through email or directly from the web application. However, no refunds are given for cancellations after the payment. If the homeowner cancels the booking, guests are advised to book multiple homes in the same area to secure accommodations.
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Payments for bookings can be made via mobile money or bank services upon receiving a confirmation notification. No deposit is needed, but homeowners may charge additional fees for cleaning or property destruction. These fees will be indicated in the homeowner’s terms of stay and rental page.
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