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Category - Requirements

Listing and Property Information

Homeowners can list their properties on the platform by signing in, selecting "Add New Listing", and providing required information such as type of home, location, price, and details about rooms. This information is then verified within 24 hours. Potential renters can view photos and details of the home before booking.
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Homeowner Responsibilities

Homeowners must maintain cleanliness, potentially requesting help via the platform. Disputes between homeowners and tenants are resolved by the team to ensure safe, sound transactions.
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Legal and Rental Agreements

A rental agreement is necessary for peaceful transactions between a student and homeowner. The terms and conditions of renting a housing space will vary per homeowner but generally follow a template. Tenant responsibilities include maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the rented property.
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Reference Letter

A reference letter should be approximately a page long, confirming the student's good behavior. It should include contact details from the faculty member, and their signature, for validation.
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